Kit Kat Kake

Kit Kat Kake
Kit Kat Kake

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Friday, October 7, 2011

A Red Holiday Cordial

A Red Holiday Cordial

With the holidays just around the corner, I want to share a recipe that will give a little extra boost to your energy so that you can get everything that you want to do before the holidays.

You will need:
1 part sliced orange or tangerine
1 part grated fresh ginger root
1 part Siberian ginseng root
1 part fresh lemon balm
2 parts fresh/frozen raspberries or strawberries
2 parts fresh rose hips
2 parts fresh hawthorn berries

Make a cordial with the above. To use: take 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon daily 2 to 3 times per week.

To Make a Cordial: Chop the fresh herbs, fruits, and berries, and grind the dry herbs. Place all ingredients in a wide-mouthed glass jar and cover with 3 times as much brandy. Cover the jar and store at room temperature out of direct sunlight and heat. Shake daily for 2-4 weeks (I usually wait 3 weeks). After the waiting period, strain well reserving liquid...and squeeze out as much liquid as possible from the steeped herbs too and save in jar. You can throw the herbs onto your compost pile. Sweeten with the honey to taste; usually about 1/4 to 1/2 cup.

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