Kit Kat Kake

Kit Kat Kake
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Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Blocked Sinus Relief Home-made Remedies

Blocked Sinus Relief Home-made Remedies Nasal Irrigation The first thing to do when you suspect you have sinus infection is to dilute 1/4 teaspoon of salt in 1 cup of warm water and then draw this solution into an ear bulb syringe. Gently place the bulb into your nose and squeeze while breathing into get the salt water up into the nasal passages where it can help clean away the mucus and decrease swelling. Inflammation in the nasal passageway creates nasal pressure that can lead to headaches and prolonged infection. Ginger Compress Another natural remedy for sinus infection includes ginger. Get yourself an actual root of the ginger plant and use a cheese grater to slice about 1/4 cup of the root. Add the ginger to a pint of boiling water. Let it simmer for 15 minutes and then strain the results. Dip a washcloth into the pot until it is nice and damp and then cover your face to help with the nasal drainage and hopefully, the end of your sinus problems. Grape Seed Extract Grape seek extract contains very powerful antioxidant properties that can serve to reduce the inflammation of the sinus cavities and nasal passages. Take 50 milligrams of grape seed extract three times a day to speed up the process of healing when you have a sinus infection and to quickly reduce swelling and that lingering sinus headache. Diet Proper nutrition during a sinus infection involves more what you don't want to eat than what you do. Since sinus infections are all about the production of mucus and the drainage of same, avoid any kind of food or beverage that stimulates mucus production or inhibits drainage. This could include alcohol, milk, ice cream and foods high in sugar.

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