Kit Kat Kake

Kit Kat Kake
Kit Kat Kake

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Thursday, March 3, 2011

Jell-O Eggs

Jell-O Eggs

These are very festive at Easter. They can be used as a centerpiece in a large bowl or platter, or food compote, preferably glass or silver, or they can be put in individual salad plates, 2 to 3 eggs in each "nest".

For days or weeks ahead (depending on how many "eggs" you want) prepare eggs. Put a pinhole in the small end and and a 1/2" hole in the large end. Empty eggs by blowing through the pinhole. Wash out each egg shell thoroughly. The day before you want to serve the eggs, cover each pinhole with a drop or two of candle wax. Put the closed end down in egg cartons. Prepare several different colors of Jell-O, using a little less water than the package calls for. Cool, but do not let the Jell-O set. Pour into egg shells (a measuring cup with pouring lip works well.) If you wish, you can fill half the egg with one color, let it set, then fill the other half with a different color. Make green Jell-O in a pan. Let it set. The day you are serving the eggs, shred the green Jell-O with a fork or knife or potato ricer, place it like a next in the bowl or on individual plates. Hold each egg in warm-hot water for several seconds, crack and peel in the same manner you would a h ardboiled egg. Place in nest.

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